Monday, 23 April 2007

Slight delay...

Ok, so due to unavoidable circumstances, I've had to delay my experiement by one day.e.g. booking driving lessons and arranging an interview for my Radio assessment. Just an example of how difficult this experiment is going to be. This course, and my future career will rely on technology and communication!

So, today I rang all my family members and close friends, I explained the experiment and the rules. Many were shocked I was even attempting it, especially my best friend Tamz "Shel thats stupid!". I'm actually very nervous because I think they're all convinced I'll fail.

Speaking to my mum for the last time until I see her on Thursday (her birthday) was hard. I speak to her everyday. Until then i'll only have my friends at uni. I'm going to miss her.

My nan was surprised to hear from me, but we had a good chat. WE don't talk often, but the discussion of my experiement gave us alot more reason to talk.

For now, I'm very looking forward to going home on thursday, and as of midnight, my phone goes off.

Shel x

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