Tuesday 8 May 2007

And Finally...

I can't believe this is my last post. Gosh, the past fortnight has gone extremely quickly, and everythings changed so much!

I have so much more appreciation for modern technology than I used to. It's so easy to take something you grow up with for granted, I used to make phone calls without even thinking about it. Now I'm thankful everytime I get to speak to my Mum.

Even though I am more appreciative of the technological communication in general, this past fortnight has really opened my eyes. I know that the amount of time I spent on the phone or on instant messenger was excessive and my continuous Myspace checking was borderlining an obsession. But now thats all changed. I still check my myspace, but not nearly as much, and as for instant messenger, it's always on but I've hardly spoken to anyone all week.

I still make phone calls, but not nearly as many, if it's unnessisary to do so, then I won't. I also realised how fun writing letters can be, and my family really liked recieving them. Especially my little sister.

This experience has taught me how anti social modern communication can make people, and has changed me for the better. Even my Mum noticed when she saw me last weekend, how much more talkative I am. I have more to talk about now, and I find it easier to involve myself in real life conversations, not instant messenger convos.

I'm really happy I did this experiment It really tested my willpower, but I've learnt so much, and I just appreciate everything in my life a little more than I did before.

Shel x

What I've learnt...

In this past week since the experiment came to an end, I have been constantly researching, and learning about the effects advances in comminication are having on other people my age. It seems that not alot of research has really been done but I did find alot of articles. These all really spoke of the same thing, teens becoming addicted to instant messenger or myspace, increased use of their mobile phone, their withdrawal from society. There wasn't anything postive about the effects this is all having on todays youth. But it's still being encouraged.

I feel my finding have taught me alot, and totally changed my perspective on the way I've been communicating for the past five to six years. I didn't realise how much of a negative effect everything had been having on me. Now I completly understand what my parents were talking about with all those lectures they used to give me, about spending more time with my family and not shut away in my room. I thought they were being unfare when they took the fuse out of my computer, but now I can see they were only doing it for my own good.

It seems so normal to me to chat to my friends on instant messenger, but why I do it when I could just go round their house and have a proper conversation with them I don't know. The only positive side of me using the internet in this way is the friends I've made. My Mum would argue that they aren't real friends, but I disagree. Some of my best friends I've met through various introductions on instant messenger, or messege boards. I'm careful, I don't give out details until I feel I can trust that person, and through my six years of instant messenger useage, nothing bad has ever come of it.

But now I can see what other people must have seen in me. Afterall it's anti social to shut yourself away all day at a computer, or talk constantly or your phone.

Shel x

Sunday 6 May 2007

Mobile phone safety...

I suppose this is another angle I feel strongly about where mobile phones are involved.

I always wondered if it was right for 7 year olds to be owning mobile phones. I didn't have my first phone until I was 12, and even then, I hardly used it. My mum put £10 credit onto it, and it lasted me months. Who do these children call? Or text? None of my friends even had phones when I got mine. It was only when I was about fifteen that I started using more credit to call people, and when I left school I went onto contract because I was spending too much on credit.

I didn't know until I read this article from the Guardian, that 25% of 7 - 10 year olds own mobile phones, and whats more, teachers are encouraging it, because they think it will help them be more creative. Where the hell they got this idea from I have no idea.

But this articles main concern is that now with the speedy development of technology, what with now easy access to the internet on most phones, the safety of these children. It is so easy to access pornography and online gambling from your phone, and children always want the latest technology so they will be using these phones. Teachers should not be encouraging this, and neither should parents. I think this is a huge concern, and only know is something being done about it, its too late now, it should have been thought of before.

Shel x

Returning to normal...

I think I'm getting back into a more normal routine now,I'm using my phone more frequently. Although I've hardly used Myspace in the last few days, I think the novelty of having it back, may be wearing off. I just can't really be bothered at the moment, and I've also been really busy. I seem to have got more of a social life in the past two weeks, I've been going out more, seeing my friends more. I was concerned this experiment may effect my communication with the outside world, but the only effect it's had is possitive.

Tomorrow morning will be my final post on here, my fortnight of blogging will be over, and I will be able to summerize the past two weeks and how it's effected my life.

The past two days I think I've been using my phone quite wreaklessly. I seem to be calling everyone, maybe I'm making up for lost time. I've been speaking to people I haven't spoken to in ages. It's been nice to catch up with everyone. I've told all the people I've spoken to about my experiment, and they were all really impressed with how I managed. Many were surprised I didn;t give up on the first day. I think I'm simply lucky that it was a busy week, and for the times I didn't already have plans, I managed to keep myself ammused.

Shel x

Saturday 5 May 2007

I just found...

For nearly two weeks I've been searching to see if I could find anyone else who had done a similar experiment to me. To no avail. At last, just ten minutes ago, I came accross a woman who had. I did want to try and get more British examples to share. But as this is the first glimmer of something similar, then it will have to do.

This woman went a week without her mobile phone. She couldn't use it for anything, not even her alarm clock. But she was allowed to use other forms of communicattion, which I suppose takes the pressure off. She says in this piece, that she became reliant on AOL instant messenge as her main source of communication. She explains how although it wasn't as hard as she thought it might be, but she did feel cut off from the outside world. I couldn't connect with that feeling, as I didn't let myself get cut off. But I did connect with the feeling of anxiety of not having a phone.

Although I found this piece interesting, I can't say I thought it was written in a way which actually gave the readers an idea of how she felt without her phone, and generally it just explains what she is doing.

Shel x

Friday 4 May 2007

The Urges have gone.

It seems strange, but since the experiment has finished, I no longer get the urge to use my phone. Infact I tend to accidently leave it at home, or or worse, let the battery run down so much it turns its self off. The weirdest part of this is, that during the experiment its self, I was craving the use of my phone. I think I've said before, when you know you shouldn't do something, it makes you want it even more. A bit like when you're on a diet and you crave chocolate.

The only habit which seems to have returned at the same level as it was before, is my constant checking of facebook and myspace. I check Facebook at leave twice a day, and myspace, probably about six times a day. I don't even know why I do it any more. Out of habit I suppose, there is no reason.

I'm going to assume for now, that I have been caught in the whirlwind of online networking websites, just like any other person my age, and eventually, i'll grow out of it all together. Until then it doesn;t bother, me, it's certainly not taking over my life. If I can go a week without it, I'm sure I can go longer.

Shel x

Thursday 3 May 2007

Facebook has taken over myspace!!!

Although on a personal level, I don't agree with this, I still use myspace more than facebook, but to be honest don't really check either very frequently anymore. Facebook is now more popular amongst 17 - 24 year olds. Many veiw this as a good thing. One blogger airs their views about why they think Facebook is better off being the leading website amongst youths.

This person makes some good point which I have never actually thought about before, myspace's sex related ads and messy layouts, whereas Facebook is safer, and more uniformed. And in my own opinion, I have always thought facebook was a better method of networking, just because it's easier to do so. and also find more people you have things in common with!

Shel x